Status Quo
47 out of 47 Total Points
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Chain Migration
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Visa Lottery
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
Took Strong Positive Action for Refugees & Asylees
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Amnesty Enticements
Took Strong Positive Action for Limit Birthright Citizenship
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Border Security
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Interior Enforcement
2016: Cosponsored legislation to renew SCAAP Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 5035, legislation that would open state assistance for incarcerating aliens charged with certain crimes (no longer just conviction) as well as aliens for whom immigration status is unable to be verified.
2016: Cosponsored legislation to ensure use of correct immigration terms Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 4926, the Stopping Partisan Policy at the Library of Congress Act, which would direct the Librarian of Congress to retain the headings Aliens and Illegal aliens in the Library of Congress Subject Headings.
2016: Cosponsoring legislation to require the detention of criminal aliens Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 5646, Sarahs Law. This legislation would require the detention of illegal aliens who have been charged with a crime resulting in the death or serious bodily injury of another person. The legislation would also call for DHS to notify the victim or victims family of relevant immigration/criminal history of the accused.
2016: Rep. Paul Gosar introduced amendment to the FY17 defense spending bill that would have prevented DACA recipients from enlisting in the military through the MAVNI program.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to allow states to block refugee resettlement (Yoho) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R. 4078, the Give States a Chance Act of 2015. The legislation would prevent the federal government from resettling refugees in states where the governor has formally disapproved of resettlement. The bill was introduced by Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.).
2015: Cosponsored legislation to end sanctuary cities (Poe) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R. 4032, the States Right of Refugee Refusal Act of 2015. The legislation would prevent the federal government from resettling refugees in states where the government has formally disapproved of resettlement. The bill was introduced by Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas).
2015: Cosponsoring legislation to ensure Congressional oversight over immigration laws and enforcement Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3302, the Ensuring Congressional Oversight of Immigration Act. This legislation would require Congressional reauthorization of USCIS every two years. Without reauthorization, no funds, fees, or resources available to USCIS may be used to implement specified immigration-related memoranda from the President, DHS, USCIS, or U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
2015: Cosponsoring legislation to deter illegal immigration Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3011, the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015 (Kates Law) would impose mandatory minimum sentencing on illegal aliens who illegally re-enter the country after being removed.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to require accurate immigration statistics Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3151, the Arrest Statistics Reporting Act of 2015. This legislation would require Immigration and Customs Enforcement to publish detailed arrest statistics for illegal aliens.
2015: Cosponsored Resolution to Declare President Obamas Executive Amnesty Illegal (Mulvaney) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H. Con. Res. 28, a resolution that expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that President Barack Obamas executive actions on immigration are illegal. The resolutions main sponsor is Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC).
2015: Sponsored a resolution supporting immigration enforcement Rep. Gosar introduced H.R. 281, a resolution expressing that its the sense of Congress to support the Department of Homeland Securitys Operation Streamline initiative that creates zero tolerance zones for illegal immigration along portions of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Reduce Chain Migration
330 out of 330 Total Points
2015: Cosponsoring bill to end non-nuclear family chain migration (Hice) Rep. Gosar is a cosponsor of the Nuclear Family Priority Act, H.R. 604. The current annual limits on green cards are 78,000 parents, 65,000 adult brothers and sisters, 23,400 married sons and daughters and 23,400 unmarried adult sons and daughters. H.R. 604 would eliminate the latter three categories, create a special non-working visa for parents, and not provide an increase in any other category, thereby directly decreasing overall immigration by more than 111,800 per year (1.118 million a decade). This would indirectly reduce the numbers by even more over time as there would be fewer recent immigrants who are the ones most likely to bring people into the country as spouses or parents of U.S. citizens. The bills main sponsor is Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.).
Reduce Visa Lottery
55 out of 55 Total Points
2015: Cosponsored legislation to end the visa lottery (Posey) Rep. Gosar is a cosponsor of H.R. 2278, legislation to end the visa lottery. H.R. 2278 would eliminate the visa lottery. This is a program that each year gives another 50,000 green cards to people without any regard to their humanitarian need or to what they might offer the country or to their having any family connections in the United States. It is a program that promotes massive illegal migration by people who think they may some day win the lottery and be allowed to stay in the United States. The bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform under the leadership of the late Barbara Jordan recommended eliminating the visa lottery. The bills main sponsor is Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.).
Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
18 out of 18 Total Points
2015: Voted against the FY2016 Omnibus Spending bill to increase foreign guest workers Rep. Gosar voted against H.R. 2029, the Omnibus Spending bill for 2016. This legislation would increase the number of H-2B low-skilled, non-agricultural guest worker visas issued in 2016 from 66,000 to 264,000. The legislation would exempt foreign workers who had received an H-2B visa in any of the past three years from the 2016 cap.
2015: Voted against granting the President authority to expand immigration levels without Congress consent via Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)‚ Rep. Gosar voted in favor against final passage of Trade Promotion Authority bill, H.R. 2146‚ (NOTE: in order to pass TPA the House of Representatives split the original bill Senate-passed bill H.R. 1314 into two bills, one dealing with Trade Promotion Authority and one dealing with the TransPacific Partnership. As a result, when the legislation came back to the Senate for a final vote, the Senate had to attach the TPA language to another House-originated bill, H.R. 2146 and vote to pass that legislation). This legislation sets up fast-track procedures for the passage of trade deals negotiated by the president. Although Ambassador Froman, the U.S. Trade Representative, repeatedly assured Members of Congress that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will not include immigration provisions that require the United States to change its laws, the Living Agreement provision of TPP means by its very terms that President Obama, or his successor, can change the provisions of the agreement however he chooses with no input whatsoever from Congress and regardless of what TPA instructs‚ H.R. 2146 passed the House by a vote of 218-208.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to reduce foreign worker numbers Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015. This legislation would: 1) Prohibit the Presidents use of granting parole to illegal aliens; 2) Prohibit the Administration from granting work permits to all illegal aliens; 3) Defund all executive actions on immigration, including all memos issued by the Department of Homeland Security; 4) Close the loophole that played a large role in last summers border surge by treating illegal aliens from non-contiguous countries the same as contiguous countries, making them easier to remove; 5) Prohibit illegal aliens from accessing Social Security, medicare, and benefits from the Affordable Care Act; 6) Reinstate the Secure Communities program; 7) Restrict federal funding to municipalities that provide sanctuary to illegal aliens; 8) Prohibit the government from providing legal council to illegal aliens in removal proceedings; and 9) Restrict the Administrations ability to grant and extend Temporary Protected Status to illegal aliens. The bill would also increase pay for ICE agents.
Refugees & Asylees
415 out of 415 Total Points
2015: Cosponsored legislation to repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3818, the the Ending Special National Origin-Based Immigration Programs for Cubans Act. This legislation would repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act that issues green cards to nationals from Cuba. The bills main sponsor is Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.).
2016: Cosponsored legislation to expedite the removal of UACs Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 4720, the Expedited Family Reunification Act. This legislation would amend the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to provide for the expedited removal of unaccompanied alien children who are not victims of a severe form of trafficking in persons and who do not have a fear of returning to their country of nationality or last habitual residence.
2016: Cosponsored legislation to halt certain refugee resettlement Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 5816, legislation that would suspend refugee resettlement for aliens from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen (terror-sponsoring nations) until Congress passes a joint resolution. The legislation also calls for reports on national security threats and benefit costs to refugees.
2016: Cosponsoring legislation to end mass amnesty for illegal aliens Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 5141, the Central American Amnesty Termination Act. This legislation would defund the Central American Minors program that helps identify refugee candidates in Central American and relocates them to the United States.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to reduce refugee resettlement (McCaul) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R. 3573, the Refugee Resettlement Oversight and Security Act of 2015, that would require Congress to pass a joint resolution each year approving the number of refugees resettled in the United States each year. This would likely reduce the resettlement of refugees into the United States by requiring greater Congressional oversight. The bill was introduced by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas).
2015: Voted against the FY2016 Omnibus Spending bill to increase refugee resettlement Rep. Gosar voted against H.R. 2029, the Omnibus Spending bill for 2016. This legislation would fully fund the refugee resettlement program and include increases in funding to accommodate Pres. Obamas proposal to resettle an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States in 2016.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to reform Americas refugee and asylum system Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3314, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015. This legislation would immediately suspend all refugee resettlement until the Government Accountability Office can assess its costs to state and local municipalities and potential national security threats.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to curtail border surge (Carter) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 1149, the Protection of Children Act of 2015, which takes excellent steps to resolve the surge of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) along the Southwest border. First, it removes the requirement that only UACs from contiguous countries receive expedited removal. In addition, children are no longer required to make their own independent decision to withdraw their applications for admission, and immigration officers who determine such children are inadmissible may withdraw their applications and return them to their home countries. The transfer time of UACs to HHS is extended to allow for review, and various improvements are made to the SIJ visa and asylum programs. Notably, this bill requires detailed information to be reported to DHS regarding the individuals with whom UACs are placed, including name, social security number, and immigration status. DHS is required to then investigate those with unknown immigration status and initiate removal proceedings on those unlawfully present. The bills main sponsor is Rep. John Carter (R-Tex.).
2015: Cosponsored legislation to combat border surge (Chaffetz) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 1153, Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2015, which represents one of the most thorough responses to the surge of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) at the Southwest border. Aside from repealing the requirements that resulted in UACs from contiguous countries receiving differing treatment than those from noncontiguous countries, this bill requires immigration officers to order all illegal entrants removed upon screening, absent an asylum claim. In order to encourage cooperation with return, foreign countries who resist repatriation will face cuts to foreign assistance. The definition of UAC is also limited further to those who do not have a parent, legal guardian, sibling over 18, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or cousin in the U.S. Further, the deadline before notification and transfer of UACs to Health and Human Services (HHS) is extended, and HHS is required to share details of the children and those with whom the children are placed with DHS. Additional judges and immigration attorneys are added in an attempt to address the current surge, while CBP is granted unimpeded access to Federal land, which includes the construction of tactical infrastructure. Finally, various changes are made to the asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile visa, and parole systems to severely limit fraud and abuse, while protecting those with legitimate claims.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to reduce refugee fraud Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015. This legislation would: 1) Prohibit the Presidents use of granting parole to illegal aliens; 2) Prohibit the Administration from granting work permits to all illegal aliens; 3) Defund all executive actions on immigration, including all memos issued by the Department of Homeland Security; 4) Close the loophole that played a large role in last summers border surge by treating illegal aliens from non-contiguous countries the same as contiguous countries, making them easier to remove; 5) Prohibit illegal aliens from accessing Social Security, medicare, and benefits from the Affordable Care Act; 6) Reinstate the Secure Communities program; 7) Restrict federal funding to municipalities that provide sanctuary to illegal aliens; 8) Prohibit the government from providing legal council to illegal aliens in removal proceedings; and 9) Restrict the Administrations ability to grant and extend Temporary Protected Status to illegal aliens. The bill would also increase pay for ICE agents.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements
4663 out of 4663 Total Points
2016: Voted in favor of the Gosar amendment to FY17 defense spending bill to block amnesty for DACA recipients Rep. Gosar voted for Rep. Paul Gosars amendment to the FY17 Defense Appropriations bill. The Gosar amendment would have prohibited funds from being used by the Department of Defense to enlist DACA recipients into the military through the MAVNI program. The amendment failed 210-211.
2016: Voted for King amendment to FY17 defense spending bill to block amnesty for DACA recipients Rep. Gosar voted in favor of Rep. Steve Kings amendment to the FY17 Defense Appropriations bill. The King amendment would have prohibited funds from being used by the Department of Defense to enlist DACA recipients into the military. The amendment failed 207-214.
2015: Voted in favor of Brooks amendment to remove military amnesty from National Defense Authorization Act Rep. Gosar voted in favor of an amendment by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) to strip an amnesty provision from the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 1735). The provision stripped by the Brooks Amendment would have encouraged the Secretary of Defense to waive military enlistment requirements for illegal aliens who received amnesty through Pres. Obamas Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The Brooks Amendment passed 221-to-202.
2015: Blocks funding for Pres. Obamas 2012 and 2014 executive amnesties (Ratcliffe) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. John Ratcliffes Executive Amnesty Prevention Act, H.R.1715, which is one of the strongest legislative responses to Pres. Obamas unconstitutional executive amensties. The bill would block funding from Pres. Obamas 2012 DACA amnesty and his 2014 DAPA amnesty. It would also prevent any current or future illegal alien from receiving a worker permit.
2015: Blocks funding for Pres. Obamas DACA and DAPA executive amnesties (King) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. Steve Kings H.R. 227, legislation that would block funding for Pres. Obamas executive DAPA amnesty announced in Nov. 2014 and renewals for his 2012 DACA amnesty. This amnesty would result in work permits for approximately 7.1 million illegal aliens who are parents of U.S. citizens or meet other requirements.
2015: Cosponsored H.R. 29 (Poe) that would block executive amnesty for illegal amnesty Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 29, the Separation of Powers Act of 2015. This legislation would block funding for the issuance of green cards to any illegal aliens unless the aliens case is reviewed on an individual basis and its for urgent humanitarian reasons. It would also block funding for the issuance of green cards or work permits to any illegal alien currently living in the United States.
2015: Voted AGAINST funding Executive Amnesties by opposing clean DHS Appropriations bill, H.R. 240 Rep. Gosar voted against final passage of H.R. 240, the DHS funding bill passed by the Senate which did not include riders to stop President Obamas unconstitutional Executive Amnesties. Although the House had originally passed H.R. 240 with these riders, the Senate stripped them out, thus fully funding the Executive Amnesties through September 2015. When the House voted on the bill as returned from the Senate, Sen. Gosar firmly opposed Executive Amnesty by voting against final passage (and consequently for a temporary shut down of DHS). Funding the Presidents illegal amnesties not only made Congress complicit in the Presidents lawless behavior, it also undermined the lawsuit filed by 26 states to stop implementation of the amnesties. If Congress is unwilling to fight to protect its own legislative powers, why should the courts fight on Congresss behalf? The bill passed by a vote of 257-167.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to combat border surge (Chaffetz) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 1153, Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2015, which represents one of the most thorough responses to the surge of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) at the Southwest border. Aside from repealing the requirements that resulted in UACs from contiguous countries receiving differing treatment than those from noncontiguous countries, this bill requires immigration officers to order all illegal entrants removed upon screening, absent an asylum claim. In order to encourage cooperation with return, foreign countries who resist repatriation will face cuts to foreign assistance. The definition of UAC is also limited further to those who do not have a parent, legal guardian, sibling over 18, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or cousin in the U.S. Further, the deadline before notification and transfer of UACs to Health and Human Services (HHS) is extended, and HHS is required to share details of the children and those with whom the children are placed with DHS. Additional judges and immigration attorneys are added in an attempt to address the current surge, while CBP is granted unimpeded access to Federal land, which includes the construction of tactical infrastructure. Finally, various changes are made to the asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile visa, and parole systems to severely limit fraud and abuse, while protecting those with legitimate claims.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to repeal President Obamas executive amnesties Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015. This legislation would: 1) Prohibit the Presidents use of granting parole to illegal aliens; 2) Prohibit the Administration from granting work permits to all illegal aliens; 3) Defund all executive actions on immigration, including all memos issued by the Department of Homeland Security; 4) Close the loophole that played a large role in last summers border surge by treating illegal aliens from non-contiguous countries the same as contiguous countries, making them easier to remove; 5) Prohibit illegal aliens from accessing Social Security, medicare, and benefits from the Affordable Care Act; 6) Reinstate the Secure Communities program; 7) Restrict federal funding to municipalities that provide sanctuary to illegal aliens; 8) Prohibit the government from providing legal council to illegal aliens in removal proceedings; and 9) Restrict the Administrations ability to grant and extend Temporary Protected Status to illegal aliens. The bill would also increase pay for ICE agents.
2015: Voted in favor of Aderholt Amendment to H.R. 240 to defund Pres. Obamas Nov. 2014 amnesty Rep. Gosar voted in favor of the Aderholt Amendment to H.R. 240, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2015. The Aderholt Amendment would defund implementation of all Obama and DHS November 2014 memoranda; defund 4 of the 5 Morton Memos that deal with prosecutorial discretion and detail who ICE agents can and cant deport; and prohibit federal benefits from being given to any illegal alien covered by the November memoranda. The Aderholt Amendment passed by a vote of 237-190.
2015: Voted in favor of Blackburn Amendment to H.R. 240 to defund Pres. Obamas DACA amnesty Rep. Gosar voted in favor of the Blackburn Amendment to H.R. 240, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2015. The Blackburn Amendment would defund the processing of applications and renewals of President Obamas 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, thus making it impossible for DACA recipients to continue to receive legal status. The Blackburn Amendment passed by a vote of 218-209.
Limit Birthright Citizenship
350 out of 350 Total Points
2015: Cosponsoring a bill that ends birthright citizenship (King). Rep. Gosar is cosponsoring H.R. 140, which eliminates birthright citizenship, the process that automatically grants citizenship to the estimated 350,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens each year. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is the main sponsor of this bill.
Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
9 out of 9 Total Points
2015: Cosponsored legislation to block in-state tuition for illegal aliens (Gosar) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R.3566 that would prevent illegal aliens from receiving in-state tuition. The bill specifically excludes individuals who are not legally present in the United States from receiving in-state tuition. The bill also provides U.S. citizens and legal immigrants standing in a court of law to challenge an institution of higher learning that extends in-state tuition to illegal aliens. The bill was introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)
2015: Eliminate rewards for illegal aliens by eliminating EITC credits (Westmoreland) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. Lynn Westmorelands Child Tax Credit Integrity Preservation Act, H.R.1333, that would prevent illegal aliens from receiving Child Tax Credits.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to end illegal alien tax fraud Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 2956, the Preventing Illegal Immigrants From Abusing Tax Welfare Act of 2015. This legislation would prevent any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident from receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit. The bill would further prevent illegal aliens who receive amnesty through Pres. Obamas executive amnesties from receiving the EITC.
2015: Cosponsoring H.R. 1148 to reduce rewards for illegal aliens Rep. Gosar is cosponsoring H.R. 1148, the Michael Davis, Jr. in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act, sponsored by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). This bill was known as the SAFE Act in the previous Congress. The legislation would prevent cities from providing sanctuary to illegal aliens and would provide funding for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) that reimburses states for incarcerating illegal aliens. The legislation would help reduce rewards for illegal immigration by preventing cities from providing a safe harbor for illegal aliens.
Strengthen Border Security
7 out of 7.9 Total Points
2016: Cosponsored legislation to complete the border fence (Schweikert) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored, H.R. 4547, the Build the Fence Act of 2016. This bill would direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to complete the required southwest border fencing by December 31, 2017. The bill would also amend the Secure Fence Act of 2006 to direct DHS to achieve operational control over U.S. international land and maritime borders by the same date. The bill was introduced by Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.).
2015: Weakens border security by changing definition of operational control (Salmon) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. Matt Salmons Arizona Borderlands Protection and Preservation Act, H.R.1412, would allow Border Patrol agents access to federal lands in Arizona, but would also weaken the definition of operational control from 100% situational awareness to only 90%.
2015: Strengthens border enforcement (McSally) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. Martha McSallys Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act, H.R.1588, would increase border security by punishing spotters and armed smugglers of illegal aliens.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to combat border surge (Chaffetz) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 1153, Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2015, which represents one of the most thorough responses to the surge of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) at the Southwest border. Aside from repealing the requirements that resulted in UACs from contiguous countries receiving differing treatment than those from noncontiguous countries, this bill requires immigration officers to order all illegal entrants removed upon screening, absent an asylum claim. In order to encourage cooperation with return, foreign countries who resist repatriation will face cuts to foreign assistance. The definition of UAC is also limited further to those who do not have a parent, legal guardian, sibling over 18, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or cousin in the U.S. Further, the deadline before notification and transfer of UACs to Health and Human Services (HHS) is extended, and HHS is required to share details of the children and those with whom the children are placed with DHS. Additional judges and immigration attorneys are added in an attempt to address the current surge, while CBP is granted unimpeded access to Federal land, which includes the construction of tactical infrastructure. Finally, various changes are made to the asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile visa, and parole systems to severely limit fraud and abuse, while protecting those with legitimate claims.
Strengthen Interior Enforcement
47 out of 49 Total Points
2016: Cosponsoring legislation to ensure deportation of criminals Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 4856, legislation that would make aliens associated with a criminal gang inadmissible, deportable, and ineligible for various forms of relief.
2017: Cosponsored H.R. 5224 (Babin) to cut visas to recalcitrant countries Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 5224, the Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act. This legislation would prohibit the issuance of visas to countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens. Approximately 384,000 foreign nationals enter the country each year from recalcitrant countries. This legislation was introduced by Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas).
2015: Cosponsored legislation to block funding for sanctuary cities (Calvert) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R. 3816, the HELD Act. This legislation would block certain federal funds to jurisdictions that fail to cooperate with federal immigration agents. The bill was introduced by Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.)
2015: Cosponsored legislation to strengthen interior enforcement (B. Carter) Rep. Gosar has cosponsored H.R. 4007, the ALERTED Act of 2015. This legislation would strengthen interior enforcement by allowing Immigration and Customs Enforcement to consider issuing a detainer for an alien who has violated laws other than those related to controlled substances. The bill was introduced by Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.).
2015: Weakens interior enforcement by expanding visa waiver program (Heck) Rep. Gosar cosponsored Rep. Joe Hecks Jobs Originated through Launching Travel Act, H.R.1401, would allow the Secretary of Homeland Security to waive the maximum refusal rate to allow a certain country to qualify for the visa waiver program. The visa waiver program allows citizens from qualifying countries to legally enter the United States without a visa.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to crack down on visa overstayers (Barletta) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 2848, the Visa Overstay Enforcement Act of 2015. This legislation would increase the penalties for foreign citizens who come to the country legally, but overstay their visa. The bill would impose a fine or imprisonment for up to six months, or both, for a first offense; and (2) a fine or imprisonment for up to two years, or both, for any subsequent offense. An alien convicted of a first offense may not be: (1) admitted to the United States for 5 years, or (2) be granted a visa for 10 years. An alien convicted of a subsequent offense may not be: (1) admitted to the United States at all, or (2) granted a visa. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.).
2015: Cosponsored legislation to enforce immigration laws Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 2964, the CLEAR Act. This legislation would reimburse local law enforcement agencies for the costs associated with incarcerating illegal aliens. The CLEAR Act would also recognize local law enforcements authority to help enforce immigration law, improve information sharing between local law enforcement agencies and the federal government, and require the federal government to expeditiously remove criminal illegal aliens.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to detain criminal illegal aliens Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 2942, the Stop Catch and Release Act of 2015 (Grants Law). This legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security to detain criminal aliens who commit serious crimes and complete the removal process within 90 days, thereby preventing their release and jeopardizing public safety.
2015: Cosponsoring legislation to defund sanctuary cities Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 3002, the Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act. This legislation would prohibit a state or local government from receiving federal financial assistance for a minimum of one year if it restricts or prohibits a government entity or official from: (1) sending to or receiving from the responsible federal immigration agency information regarding an individuals citizenship or immigration status, or (2) maintaining or exchanging information about an individuals status. It also would require the Department of Justice to report to Congress each year a list of jurisdictions that dont cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to curtail border surge (Carter) Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 1149, the Protection of Children Act of 2015, which takes excellent steps to resolve the surge of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) along the Southwest border. First, it removes the requirement that only UACs from contiguous countries receive expedited removal. In addition, children are no longer required to make their own independent decision to withdraw their applications for admission, and immigration officers who determine such children are inadmissible may withdraw their applications and return them to their home countries. The transfer time of UACs to HHS is extended to allow for review, and various improvements are made to the SIJ visa and asylum programs. Notably, this bill requires detailed information to be reported to DHS regarding the individuals with whom UACs are placed, including name, social security number, and immigration status. DHS is required to then investigate those with unknown immigration status and initiate removal proceedings on those unlawfully present. The bills main sponsor is Rep. John Carter (R-Tex.).
2015: Cosponsoring H.R. 1148 to increase interior enforcement Rep. Gosar is cosponsoring H.R. 1148, the Michael Davis, Jr. in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act, sponsored by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). This bill was known as the SAFE Act in the previous Congress. This legislation would empower local law enforcement agents to enforce federal immigration laws. This legislation also requires DHS to create a national immigration violators database. This legislation would help reduce illegal immigration by empowering law enforcement officials and making it more difficult for illegal aliens to live and work in local communities.
2015: Cosponsored legislation to increase interior immigration enforcement. Rep. Gosar cosponsored H.R. 191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015. This legislation would: 1) Prohibit the Presidents use of granting parole to illegal aliens; 2) Prohibit the Administration from granting work permits to all illegal aliens; 3) Defund all executive actions on immigration, including all memos issued by the Department of Homeland Security; 4) Close the loophole that played a large role in last summers border surge by treating illegal aliens from non-contiguous countries the same as contiguous countries, making them easier to remove; 5) Prohibit illegal aliens from accessing Social Security, medicare, and benefits from the Affordable Care Act; 6) Reinstate the Secure Communities program; 7) Restrict federal funding to municipalities that provide sanctuary to illegal aliens; 8) Prohibit the government from providing legal council to illegal aliens in removal proceedings; and 9) Restrict the Administrations ability to grant and extend Temporary Protected Status to illegal aliens. The bill would also increase pay for ICE agents.