Reduce Chain Migration
0 out of 254 Total Points
2005-2006: Cosponsored bill to increase chain migration (Kolbe)
Rep. Flake cosponsored H.R. 2330 to increase permanent, legal immigration by adding an extra 254,000 family-based visas annually. Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) was the primary sponsor.
Reduce Visa Lottery
110 out of 110 Total Points
2005-2006: Voted for a bill to eliminate visa lottery.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of final passage of H.R. 4437 which included a provision to eliminate the visa lottery that each year awards 55,000 visas on a random basis. H.R. 4437 was passed by the House by a vote of 239 to 182.
2005-2006: Voted for an amendment to eliminate visa lottery.
Rep. Flake voted on the floor of the House in favor of the Goodlatte amendment to H.R. 4437. The Goodlatte Amendment would eliminate the visa lottery program that each year awards 55,000 visas on a random basis. The Amendment passed by a vote of 273 to 148.
Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
0 out of 1084 Total Points
2006: Cosponsored a bill to increase high-tech worker importation (Shadegg).
Rep. Flake was a cosponsor of H.R. 5744 to increase the annual H-1B cap from 65,000 to 115,000 and then by 20 percent in any following year in which the cap is met. As well, H.R. 5744 would increase the annual worldwide level of employment-based (EB) immigrants by 150,000 plus 340,000 spouses and minor children of EB immigrants who are exempt from the cap. Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
2006: Cosponsored a bill to increase the number of low-skill workers present in the U.S. at any one time (Bass).
Rep. Flake was a cosponsor of H.R. 4740 to extend for three years an exemption for any H-2B alien (for temporary, or seasonal low-skill workers) who has been counted against the 66,000-visa cap during any of the three previous three fiscal years. H.R. 4740 has the potential to triple the number of H-2B workers in the United States at any given time. Rep. Charles Bass (R-N.H.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment to prohibit foreign-worker importation provisions in Free Trade Agreements.
Rep. Flake voted against the Tancredo Amendment to H.R. 2862 to prevent the U.S. Trade Representative from including immigration provisions in Free Trade Agreements. The Tancredo Amendment failed by a vote of 106 to 322.
2005-2006: Cosponsored bill to increase foreign-worker importation (Kolbe)
Rep. Flake was a cosponsor of H.R. 2330 to add an extra 150,000 employment-based visas (mostly for unskilled workers) each year. Additionally, it would create a brand new *guest* worker program that would bring in 400,000 unskilled workers the first year. Depending on how fast U.S. employers grabbed up those visas, the total could increase by anywhere from 10 to 20 percent each year thereafter.* Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) was this bills primary sponsor.
Refugees & Asylees
3 out of 3 Total Points
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment (Nadler) and protected asylum reforms (H.R. 418)
Rep. Flake voted against the Nadler Amendment to H.R. 418 to strip asylum reforms that would prevent terrorists from gaming our asylum system. The Nadler Amendment would have stripped provisions to ensure that our asylum system is consistent with our justice system in which the trier of fact is always allowed to use the credibility of the defendant and witnesses in deciding the case. The Nadler Amendment, sponsored by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), failed by a vote of 185-236 on February 10, 2005 (1:55 PM).
2005: Cosponsored H.R. 418 to reduce asylum fraud H.R. 418 would reduce asylum fraud by clarifying that the asylum claimant bears the burden of proving persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on the five grounds for asylum agreed upon in the Geneva Convention. As well, it permits immigration judges, when reasonable, to require the claimant to present corroborating evidence.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements
0 out of 900 Total Points
2005-2006: Cosponsored bill to reward illegal aliens with amnesty (Kolbe)
Rep. Flake was a cosponsor of H.R. 2330 to reward virtually all illegal aliens (except those with criminal records or terrorist connections) with amnesty. This could potentially reward 9 million illegal aliens with amnesty. Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) was this bills primary sponsor.
No Action
Limit Birthright Citizenship
Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
24.5 out of 29 Total Points
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment to aid states in conforming with minimum federally-mandated license standards.
Rep. Flake voted against the Obey amendment to H.R. 2360 to provide $100 million to fund grants under the REAL ID Act to assist States in conforming with minimum drivers license standards. The Obey amendment passed by a vote of 226-198.
2005-2006: Cosponsored bill to reduce government services for illegal immigration (Gallegly)
Rep. Flake was a cosponsor of H.R. 925 to make it harder for illegal aliens to gain government services and to otherwise profit from their illegal activity by prohibiting federal agencies from accepting foreign issued IDs (except for passports). Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) was the primary sponsor.
2005-2006: Voted in favor of the rule that incorporated the Managers Amendment to H.R. 418 to eliminate provisions for alternative licenses Rep. Flake voted in favor of the Rule that incorporated the Managers Amendment to H.R. 418 to strike both the section of the bill that explicitly recognizes states, ability to issue driving certificates that do not comply with the standards and the provision that permits the Department of Homeland Security to regulate such alternative licenses. The Managers Amendment passed by a vote of 228-198 on February 10 2005 (11:46 AM).
2005-2006: Voted in favor of bill to make illegal aliens ineligible for drivers, licenses (Sensenbrenner)
Rep. Flake voted in favor of H.R. 418 to set federal standards for the issuance of drivers, licenses and a legal presence requirement that would make illegal aliens ineligible for drivers, licenses. As well H.R. 418 would tie the drivers license expiration date of a temporary visa holder to the expiration date of their visa so that those who enter the country legally as visa holders but become illegal aliens by overstaying their visas will not have a valid drivers license after the date of the expiration of their visa. H.R. 418, sponsored by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), passed by a vote of 261-161 on February 10, 2005 (2:41 PM).
2005-2006: Cosponsored bill to reduce rewards for illegal immigration by restricting drivers, licenses for illegal aliens (Sensenbrenner)
H.R. 418 would set federal standards for the the issuance of drivers, licenses and a legal presence requirement that would make illegal aliens ineligible for drivers, licenses. As well, H.R. 418 would tie the drivers license expiration date of a temporary visa holder to the expiration date of their visa so that those who enter the country legally as visa holders but become illegal aliens by overstaying their visas will not have a valid drivers license after the date of the expiration of their visa. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) was this bills primary sponsor.
Strengthen Border Security
33 out of 43 Total Points
2006: Voted for a bill to prevent border tunnels.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of H.R. 4830, the Border Tunnel Protection Act of 2006 to penalize any person who constructs or uses a border tunnel. H.R. 4830 passed by a vote of 422 to 0.
2006: Voted in favor of H.R. 6061 to create border fence Rep. Flake voted in favor of H.R. 6061 to create a 700 mile reinforced fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, and to provide for other barriers for border control. H.R. 6061 passed by a vote of 283-138-1 (1 denotes a vote of present.) on September 14, 2006.
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment that requires complete execution of the previously instituted entry-exit system.
Rep. Flake voted against the Sullivan Amendment to H.R. 4437 to require full implementation of the automated entry-exit system that was instituted by Congress in 1996. As well, the Sullivan Amendment would have provided for expedited removal of most illegal aliens. The Sullivan Amendment failed by a vote of 163 to 251.
2005-2006: Voted for a bill to build 700 miles of a border fence.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of final passage of H.R. 4437 which included provisions to create 700 miles of border fencing along the Mexican border and to require implementation of the entry-exit system. H.R. 4437 was passed by the House by a vote of 239 to 182.
2005-2006: Voted for an amendment to reinforce physical structures, including fences, to keep illegal aliens out.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of the Hunter Amendment to H.R. 4437. The Hunter Amendment would shore up security by building fences and other physical infrastructure to keep out illegal aliens. The Hunter Amendment passed by a vote of 260-159.
2005-2006: Voted in committee for a bill to strengthen border security using increased infrastructure and personnel.
Rep. Flake voted as part of the Judiciary Committee in favor of H.R. 4437 to strengthen border enforcement through increased personnel and infrastructure, encourage involvement of state and local law enforcement agencies in and provide appropriate reimbursement to those agencies for immigration enforcement, and authorize coordinated border surveillance efforts between DHS and DOD. H.R. 4437 was passed by the Judiciary Committee by a vote of 23 to 15.
2005-2006: Voted against amendment (Goode) to H.R. 1815 to authorize troops on the border
Rep. Flake voted against authorizing the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the military, under certain conditions, to assist in the performance of border control functions. H. Amdt. 206, sponsored by Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.), passed the House by a vote of 245-184.
2005: Voted in favor of H.R. 418 to reduce asylum fraud Rep. Flake voted in favor of H.R. 418 to significantly the reduced the risk that terrorists will be able to game our asylum system or avoid removal because of loopholes in our immigration laws. H.R. 418 passed by a vote of 261-161 on February 10, 2005 (2:41 PM).
2005: Cosponsored H.R. 418 to increase border control H.R. 418 would strengthen border control by requiring completion of the last 3.5 miles of the San Diego border fence. As well, H.R. 418 would broaden the terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and deportability of aliens.
Strengthen Interior Enforcement
25 out of 36 Total Points
2006: Voted for a bill that increases interior enforcement by allowing the federal government to remove aliens from El Salvador.
Rep. Flake voted for H.R. 6095 to clarify state and local law enforcements inherent authority to enforce Federal immigration laws and overturn a decades-old court injunction that impedes the Federal governments ability to remove aliens from El Salvador on an expedited basis. H.R. 6095 passed by a vote of 277-140.
2006: Voted for an amendment that disallows sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of the King Amendment to H.R. 5441, the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill of 2007. The King amendment would deny federal homeland security funding to state and local governments who refuse to share information with Federal immigration authorities.
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment that requires complete execution of the previously instituted entry-exit system.
Rep. Flake voted against the Sullivan Amendment to H.R. 4437 to require full implementation of the automated entry-exit system that was instituted by Congress in 1996. The Sullivan Amendment failed by a vote of 163 to 251.
2005-2006: Voted for a bill to require employers to verify their employees legal right to work in the U.S.
Rep. Flake voted in favor of final passage of H.R. 4437 which would increase interior enforcement by requiring employers to use the Basic Pilot program to verify that new hires have the legal right to work in the United States. As well, it would bring state and local law enforcement agencies more into the enforcement fold and provide funding through both grants and reimbursement for their assistance in federal enforcement efforts. H.R. 4437 was passed by the House by a vote of 239 to 182.
2005-2006: Voted against an amendment to confirm local law enforcement has the authority to enforce current immigration law.
Rep. Flake voted against the Norwood Amendment to H.R. 4437 to reaffirm state and local law enforcements existing inherent authority to assist in the enforcement of immigration law. It would bring state and local law enforcement agencies more into the enforcement fold and provide funding through both grants and reimbursement for their assistance in federal enforcement efforts. The Norwood Amendment passed by a vote of 237 to 180.
2005-2006: Voted in committee for a bill to mandate an employment verification system and increase penalties for violations.
Rep. Flake voted as part of the Judiciary Committee in favor of H.R. 4437 to phase in mandatory employment verification for all employees over six years, enhance penalties for immigration violations (including unlawful presence and particularly with regard to aliens involved in criminal activity or considered risks to national security), and expedite the process by which unlawfully present aliens are removed. H.R. 4437 was passed by the Judiciary Committee by a vote of 23 to 15.
2005-2006: Voted for H. Amdt. 288 (Tancredo) and against sanctuary policies for illegal aliens
Rep. Flake voted in favor of H. Amdt. 288 to H.R. 2862, the CJS Appropriations bill. The amendment would deny certain federal funding to states and cities that violate federal law by enacting sanctuary policies to protect illegal aliens. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), failed by a vote of 204 to 222 on June 16, 2005 (2:54 PM).
2005-2006: Voted against amendment (Norwood) to H.R. 1817 to clarify State authority concerning immigration law
Rep. Flake voted against the Norwood Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill to clarify the existing authority of State and local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws and detain illegal aliens on May 18, 2005 (6:31 PM). Rep. Charles Norwood (R-Ga.) was the primary sponsor.
2005-2006: Voted for H. Amdt. 138 (Tancredo) and against sanctuary policies for illegal aliens
Rep. Flake voted in favor of H. Amdt. 138 to H.R. 2360, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2006. The amendment would deny federal homeland security funding to states and local governments who refuse to share information with Federal immigration authorities. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), failed by a vote of 165 to 258 on May 17, 2005 (5:23 PM).