Status Quo
25 out of 25 Total Points
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Chain Migration
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Visa Lottery
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
Took Strong Positive Action for Refugees & Asylees
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Amnesty Enticements
Took Strong Positive Action for Limit Birthright Citizenship
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Border Security
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Interior Enforcement
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7741 to block cell phones to illegal border crossers Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R 7741, the No More Phones Act, introduced by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). The legislation would prevent the federal government from giving cellphones to illegal border crossers to help track their location.
2021: Sponsored H.Res. 644 Rep. Boebert sponsored H.Res. 644 introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas). The resolution would require the transmission of a list of all administrative communications and statistics regarding the border surge.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 4199 to block funding for CAM Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 4199, the No Taxpayer Funding for the Central American Minors Program Act, introduced by Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.). The legislation would block funding for the Central American Minors program (CAM), which allows Central American minors to apply for asylum from their home country.
2021: Sponsored H.Res. 582 Rep. Boebert sponsored H.Res. 582 introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). The resolution calls for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Reduce Chain Migration
64 out of 64 Total Points
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Reduce Visa Lottery
5 out of 5 Total Points
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
266 out of 266 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to increase guest workers Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would expand the unlimited agricultural guest worker program to include jobs in dairy, meat processing, fish canneries, and more.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6206 to reduce high-skill foreign worker competition Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 6202, the American Tech Workforce Act of 2021, introduced by Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.). The legislation would establish a wage floor for the high-skill H-1B visa program thereby significantly reducing employer dependence on the program. The bill would also eliminate the Optional Practical Training program that allows foreign graduates to stay and work in the United States.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
2022: Voted against H.R. 2471 to block increases in H-2B and EB-5 visas Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 2471, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, introduced by Rep. Hakeem Jefferies (D-N.Y.). The legislation authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to double the number of H-2B low-skill, non-agricultural visas for FY2022. Further, the legislation reauthorizes the EB-5 investor visa program. The legislation was signed into law.
Refugees & Asylees
1741 out of 1741 Total Points
2021: Sponsored H.R. 398, the No Asylum for Criminals Act, to reduce asylum fraud Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 398, introduced by Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.). The legislation would bar foreign nationals with criminal records from claiming asylum.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, to reduce refugee resettlement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would codify Pres. Trumps executive orders to strengthen border security and interior enforcement and also nullify Pres. Bidens executive order calling for an increase in refugee admissions to 125,000 per year.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7725 to block asylum for individuals who pass though a safe third country Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 7725 introduced by Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.). The legislation would prevent the granting of asylum to individuals who passed through a safe third country on their way to the United States. The legislation would likely stop 75% of asylum claims.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 1901 to close asylum loopholes Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 1901, the Stopping Border Surges Act, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). The bill would close asylum loopholes, including 1) to allow UACs from noncontiguous countries to be returned to their home country, 2) fix the Flores Settlement Agreement, 3) strengthens the credible fear standard, 4) eliminates the safe third-country requirements for returning asylum-seekers, 5) limits asylum claims to ports of entry only, along with other asylum fixes.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements
1419 out of 1419 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would grant amnesty to more than 1 million illegal farm workers, allowing them to apply for permanent status upon working a certain number of hours in agriculture in future years.
2021: Voted Against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, introduced by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.). The legislation would grant amnesty to approximately 2.9 million illegal aliens who claim to have entered the country under the age of 19 and to another 320,000 illegal aliens who have been granted Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure. The bill contains no immigration offsets or enforcement provisions to deter future illegal immigration.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7356 to require Congressional designation of TPS Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 7356, the TPS Reform Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.). The legislation would require Congressional designation and a one time extension in the issuance of Temporary Protected Status. Further, it would prevent anyone illegally present from receiving TPS status.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 1901 to reduce amnesty enticements by closing asylum loopholes Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 1901, the Stopping Border Surges Act, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). The bill would close asylum loopholes, including 1) to allow UACs from noncontiguous countries to be returned to their home country, 2) fix the Flores Settlement Agreement, 3) strengthens the credible fear standard, 4) eliminates the safe third-country requirements for returning asylum-seekers, 5) limits asylum claims to ports of entry only, along with other asylum fixes.
Limit Birthright Citizenship
350 out of 350 Total Points
2021: Sponsored H.R. 140 to eliminate Birthright Citizenship Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 140, introduced by Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas). The legislation would restrict the automatic granting of birthright citizenship to children born in the United States to those who have at least one parent who is either a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, or active duty nonimmigrant.
Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
13.2 out of 13.2 Total Points
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6621 to funding for government provided attorneys to illegal aliens Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 6621, the No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act. introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would block the use of state, federal, and local funds from being used to provide legal representation for aliens in removal proceedings.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 6021 to block payments to illegal aliens Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 6021, the Were Not Paying You To Break Our Laws Act. introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would block payments to illegal aliens who were affected by former AG Jeff Sessions zero-tolerance policy.
2021: H.R. 5062 to block illegal aliens from receiving work permits Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 5062, the Americans not Aliens Act, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.). The legislation would strike the exemption which currently allows certain illegal aliens with final removal orders to receive a work permit.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 5854 to block payments to illegal aliens Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 5854, the Illegal Immigrant Payoff Prohibition Act, introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). The legislation would block payments to illegal aliens who file a civil action lawsuit.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2343 to discourage illegal-alien voting Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 2343, the Protecting American Voters Act, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas). The legislation would require the government to allow states (upon request) to use the SAVE system to verify voter eligibility. It would further clarify that states are allowed to remove noncitizens from their voter rolls.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Strengthen Border Security
39 out of 39 Total Points
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, to strengthen enforcement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would codify Pres. Trumps executive orders to strengthen border security and interior enforcement and also nullify Pres. Bidens executive order calling for an increase in refugee admissions to 125,000 per year.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7772 to reduce border surges Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 7772, the Border Safety and Security Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas). The legislation would require the DHS Secretary to suspend the entry inadmissible aliens at the border if necessary to achieve operational control. Further, it would require the suspension of entry of aliens during any period in which the Secretary cannot detain such aliens or place them into expedited removal proceedings.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2003, the Secure the Southern Border Act, to significantly strengthen border enforcement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 2003, the Secure the Southern Border Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would take significant steps to strengthen both border security and interior enforcement. It would codify all of Pres. Trumps enforcement executive orders, including ending catch and release, improving border barrier systems, enforcing immigration laws in the interior, outlawing sanctuary cities, and addressing the factors that encourage illegal border crossings.
2022: Sponsored H.J.Res. 82 to disapprove of lax asylum rule Rep. Boebert sponsored H.J.Res. 82 introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). The Joint Resolution would provide Congressional disapproval to the Biden Administrations proposed rule to have USCIS asylum officers make final asylum determinations at the border instead of an immigration judge. Should it go into effect, the likely result would be a significant increase in approved fraudulent asylum cases.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 8951 to end catch and release Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 8951, the Ending Catch and Release Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.). The legislation would eliminate executive parole used to release detained illegal aliens and codify Remain in Mexico requiring asylum seekers without authorized entry to wait in the country the entered from for the asylum hearing.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 4593 to appropriate funds to states for border security Rep. Boebert sponsore dH.R> 4593, the Securing Our Border States Act, introduced by Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas). The legislation would appropriate $22 billion for Southwest border states to help construct barriers along the southern border.
Strengthen Interior Enforcement
24 out of 24 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to weaken interior enforcement Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would halt enforcement efforts against any illegal alien who could qualify for the amnesties regardless if the alien has applied or not.
2021: Voted Against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act to weaken interior enforcement Rep. Boebert voted against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, introduced by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.). The legislation would halt enforcement for any illegal alien who could be eligible for the amnesty, regardless of whether the alien has applied or meets the qualifications. Further, it would block ICE access to amnesty applications that are denied.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, to strengthen enforcement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 2004, the No Amnesty Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would codify Pres. Trumps executive orders to strengthen border security and interior enforcement and also nullify Pres. Bidens executive order calling for an increase in refugee admissions to 125,000 per year.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 2003, the Secure the Southern Border Act, to significantly strengthen interior enforcement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 2003, the Secure the Southern Border Act, introduced by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.). The legislation would take significant steps to strengthen both border security and interior enforcement. It would codify all of Pres. Trumps enforcement executive orders, including ending catch and release, improving border barrier systems, enforcing immigration laws in the interior, outlawing sanctuary cities, and addressing the factors that encourage illegal border crossings.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 3484 to strengthen immigration enforcement Rep. Boebert cosponsored H.R. 3484, introduced by Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.). The legislation would block Federal discretionary funds to states that provide assistance to illegal aliens.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 4760 to strengthen immigration penalties Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R> 4760, the Criminal Alien Removal Clarification Act, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.). The legislation would make 2 misdemeanor crimes or 1 felony crime a deportable offense.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 5759 to add certain sex crimes to list of deportable offenses
Rep. Boebert sponsored H.R. 5759, the Be GONE Act, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.). The legislation would add sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence to the aggravated felony list.