Status Quo
30 out of 32 Total Points
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Chain Migration
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Visa Lottery
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
Took Strong Positive Action for Refugees & Asylees
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Amnesty Enticements
Acted Negatively for Limit Birthright Citizenship
Took Strong Positive Action for Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Border Security
Took Strong Positive Action for Strengthen Interior Enforcement
2022: Sponsored H.R. 8710 to require a terror report Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 8710, the Terrorist Reporting Act, introduced by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas). The legislation would require DHS to submit a quarterly report detailing illegal aliens apprehended crossing the border illegally and are on the terror watchlist.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6522 to block funds for resettling illegal aliens Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6522, the Stop the Betrayal Act, introduced by Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa). The legislation would prevent the Department of Homeland Security from using funds to resettle illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.
2021: Sponsored H.J.Res 50 to officially recognize the border surge of 2021 Rep. Donalds sponsored H.J.Res. 50, introduced by Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas). The resolution would represent Congress recognition of the 2021 border crisis along the Southern border. Further, it would recognize and affirm the sovereign and unilateral authority explicitly reserved to the States in the Constitution.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 5831 to notify states when resettling foreign nationals Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 5831, the Protect Communities from a Porous Border Act of 2021, introduced by Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas). The legislation would require that DHS notify states about their intent to notify states when they plan to house UACs, refugees, parolees, or other non-asylee aliens within the state.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7741 to block cell phones to illegal border crossers Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R 7741, the No More Phones Act, introduced by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.). The legislation would prevent the federal government from giving cellphones to illegal border crossers to help track their location.
2021: Sponsored H.Res. 314 Rep. Donalds sponsored H.Res. 314 introduced by Rep. Fred Keller (R-Pa.). The resolution would comment U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents for their service during the border crisis.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6592 to require notification to states before resettling illegal aliens Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6592, the Immigration Transparency and Transit Notification Act, introduced by Rep/ Daniel Meuser (R-Pa.). The legislation would require the federal government to notify state governors about the release of aliens in their states and provides an opportunity to object.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 9238 to reimburse states for border security Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 9238, the Border Patrol First Act, introduced by Rep. Beth Van Dyne (R-Texas). The legislation would transfer $240 million in unused migration and humanitarian funds to the Border Patrol and to reimburse Texas and Arizona for trying to help secure the border.
2022: Sponsored H.Res. 1002 to remove V.P. Harris from head of the immigration task force Rep. Donalds sponsored H.Res. 1002 introduced by Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas). The resolution would express that its the sense of the House that Vice Pres. Kamala Harris should be removed as head of the immigration task force.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6610 to require regular visits by border officials Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6610, the Border Czar Accountability Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas). The legislation would require any Presidentially-appointed official in charge of immigration/border issues to visit the border at least once every 60 days. Failure to do so would result in a loss of funding.
Reduce Chain Migration
64 out of 64 Total Points
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Reduce Visa Lottery
60 out of 60 Total Points
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6706 to end the visa lottery Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6706, the ALIEN Act, introduced by Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas). The legislation would eliminate the visa lottery, which awards 55,000 green cards each year to foreign nationals with no regard to skills or family connections. Further, the legislation would increase penalties for visa overstays, codify the Trump administrations asylum rule, and eliminate inadmissibility waivers.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
102 out of 102 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to increase guest workers Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would expand the unlimited agricultural guest worker program to include jobs in dairy, meat processing, fish canneries, and more.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
2022: Voted against H.R. 2471 to block increases in H-2B and EB-5 visas Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 2471, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, introduced by Rep. Hakeem Jefferies (D-N.Y.). The legislation authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to double the number of H-2B low-skill, non-agricultural visas for FY2022. Further, the legislation reauthorizes the EB-5 investor visa program. The legislation was signed into law.
Refugees & Asylees
215 out of 218.6 Total Points
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7725 to block asylum for individuals who pass though a safe third country Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 7725 introduced by Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.). The legislation would prevent the granting of asylum to individuals who passed through a safe third country on their way to the United States. The legislation would likely stop 75% of asylum claims.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 8382 to reduce asylum fraud Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 8382, the Migrant Protection Protocols Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Carols Jimenez (R-Fla.). The legislation would codify the Trump Administrations Remain in Mexico policy that required that asylum seekers without a valid visa be returned to the country they entered from until their asylum hearing.
2021: Voted in favor of H.R. 3985 to increase refugee resettlement Rep. Donalds voted in favor of H.R. 3985, the Allies Act, introduced by Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.). The legislation would reduce the threshold to participate in the Afghan SIV program, significantly increase the eligible pool beyond those who participated in sensitive and trusted activities, and increase the principle alien cap by 8,000.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements
1403 out of 1403 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would grant amnesty to more than 1 million illegal farm workers, allowing them to apply for permanent status upon working a certain number of hours in agriculture in future years.
2021: Voted Against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act to grant amnesty to illegal aliens Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, introduced by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.). The legislation would grant amnesty to approximately 2.9 million illegal aliens who claim to have entered the country under the age of 19 and to another 320,000 illegal aliens who have been granted Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure. The bill contains no immigration offsets or enforcement provisions to deter future illegal immigration.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
No Action
Limit Birthright Citizenship
Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
3 out of 3 Total Points
2021: Sponsored H.R. 6153 to codify the Trump public charge rule Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6153, the Common Sense Standards for Visa Applicants Act, introduced by Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.). The legislation would codify the Trump Administrations public charge rule. The rule allowed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service agents to consider non-cash social welfare benefits in making public charge determinations for immigrations.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 5854 to block payments to illegal aliens Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 5854, the Illegal Immigrant Payoff Prohibition Act, introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). The legislation would block payments to illegal aliens who file a civil action lawsuit.
2021: Voted against H.R. 5376 to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and issue additional green cards Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would grant work permits and legal status, called parole, to an estimated 7.9 million illegal aliens. Further, the bill would add an additional 1 million green cards above annual numerical limits.
Strengthen Border Security
15 out of 15 Total Points
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6706 to increase border security Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6706, the ALIEN Act, introduced by Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas). The legislation would codify the Trump administrations asylum rules to discourage border surges. It would also eliminate the use of waivers for inadmissible aliens. Additionally, it would end the visa lottery and increase penalties for visa overstays.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7772 to reduce border surges Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 7772, the Border Safety and Security Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas). The legislation would require the DHS Secretary to suspend the entry inadmissible aliens at the border if necessary to achieve operational control. Further, it would require the suspension of entry of aliens during any period in which the Secretary cannot detain such aliens or place them into expedited removal proceedings.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 8952 to allow DHS Secretary to block admissions to the U.S. Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 8952, the JASON Act, introduced by Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.). The legislation would expand 1182(f) authority to block the admissions of aliens into the United States to the Secretary of Homeland Security, but limits those suspensions to only 60 days.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7458 to extend Title 42 due to the COVID-19 pandemic Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 7458, the Public Health and Border Security Act of 2022, introduced by Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine). The legislation would block for 60 days the Biden Administration from ending the Title 42 policy due to the COVID-19 pandemic that blocks illegal border crossers from claiming asylum .
Strengthen Interior Enforcement
19 out of 19 Total Points
2021: Voted Against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, to weaken interior enforcement Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, introduced by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.). The legislation would halt enforcement efforts against any illegal alien who could qualify for the amnesties regardless if the alien has applied or not.
2021: Voted Against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act to weaken interior enforcement Rep. Donalds voted against H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, introduced by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.). The legislation would halt enforcement for any illegal alien who could be eligible for the amnesty, regardless of whether the alien has applied or meets the qualifications. Further, it would block ICE access to amnesty applications that are denied.
2021: Sponsored H.R. 5759 to add certain sex crimes to list of deportable offenses
Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 5759, the Be GONE Act, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.). The legislation would add sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence to the aggravated felony list.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 6706 to end the visa lottery Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 6706, the ALIEN Act, introduced by Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas). The legislation would increase penalties for visa overstays and eliminate inadmissibility waivers. Further, it would eliminate the visa lottery and codify the Trump administrations asylum rule to discourage border surges.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7983 to reduce Child Smuggling at the Border Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 7983 introduced by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas). The legislation would require the collection of biometric data at the border and require background checks for all sponsors of Unaccompanied Alien Children with the requirement that those without lawful immigration status will get referred to DHS for removal proceedings.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 7462 to notify localities before release of criminal aliens Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R. 7462, the EMAP Act, introduced by Rep. Michael Guest (R-Miss.). The legislation would require the feds to notify state/local/tribal governments at least 24 hours of release of aliens with criminal histories.
2022: Sponsored H.R. 8943 to strengthen penalties Rep. Donalds sponsored H.R 8943, the Asylum Accountability Act, introduced by Rep. David Rouser (R-N.C.). The legislation would turn the 10-year bar for failure to appear at a removal hearing to a permanent bar.