Reduce Chain Migration
138 out of 138 Total Points
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to end chain migration (Gingrey).
Rep. Boozman was a cosponsor of H.R. 938, which would have ended chain migration by restricting allocation of family-sponsored immigrant visas so that only spouses or children of a lawful permanent resident (LPR) alien can obtain such visas. Furthermore, it would have reduced the number of family-sponsored immigrant visas available per fiscal year to 88,000 minus the number of aliens who were paroled into the United States for humanitarian reasons in the second preceding fiscal year. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
Reduce Visa Lottery
55 out of 55 Total Points
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to eliminate the visa lottery (Goodlatte).
The visa lottery gives out 50,000 green cards each year, and it does not take into account humanitarian need, family connections, or potential contribution to the United States. Rep. ZZlastname cosponsored H.R. 1430, which would eliminate this arbitrary system. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
No Action
Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas
Minimal Action
Refugees & Asylees
1 out of 1 Total Points
2007: Voted for an amendment to reduce the time period of a countrys temporary protected status. Rep. Boozman voted in favor of the Forbes amendment to HR 2638, which would prohibit funds pursuant to this bill from being used to extend the temporary protected status designation of a country. This amendment failed 123-298.
Reduce Amnesty Enticements
15 out of 15 Total Points
2007: Signed Anti-Amnesty Letter to Speaker of the House Pelosi Rep. Boozman signed a letter drafted by the Immigration Reform Caucus to Speaker of the House Pelosi asking her not to bring any immigration legislation to the floor of the House. Signing the letter was a clear indication that Rep. Boozman is opposed to amnesty and a way for Members of Congress to go on record as opposing amnesty. 97 Representatives signed the letter.
Limit Birthright Citizenship
350 out of 350 Total Points
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to end birthright citizenship (Deal).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H.R. 1940 to eliminate birthright citizenship, the process that automatically grants citizenship to the estimated 250,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens each year. Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Ga.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
Reduce Illegal Immigration Rewards
18 out of 18 Total Points
2008: Voted for an amendment to prevent illegal aliens from receiving federal housing funds.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of an amendment to H.R. 5818, the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008. This amendment would prevent illegal aliens from receiving Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds pursuant to this act. The amendment passed by a vote of 391-33.
2008: Voted for an amendment to restrict funding to businesses that hire illegal aliens.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of an amendment to HR 5819 that would prohibit SBIR or STTR awards from going to a small business concern if an unlawful alien has an ownership interest in that concern or in a concern that has interest in the small business. The amendment also prohibits SBIR and STTR awards from going to businesses that have repeatedly hired, recruited, or referred unlawful aliens. The amendment passed by a vote of 406-0, with 3 present.
2007-2008: Voted for an amendment to prohibit Social Security funds from being used to administer benefits accrued from work performed in Mexico.
Rep. Boozman voted for the Gingrey amendment to HR 3043, an amendment to prohibit the use of funds by the SSA to administer Social Security benefit payments, under any agreement between the United States and Mexico establishing totalization arrangements between the two countries. The amendment passed 254-168.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to require the use of official government documents (Blackburn).
Rep. Boozman cosponsored H.R. 1314, the Photo Identification Security Act. This bill would have prohibited Federal agencies (for any official purpose) and financial institutions (for purposes of verifying the identity of an individual seeking to open an account) from accepting any form of identification of an individual other than: (1) either: (a) a social security card accompanied by a photo identification card issued by the Federal or a state government; or (b) a state drivers license or identification card, provided that the state is in compliance with the REAL ID Act; (2) a U.S. or foreign passport; or (3) a photo identification card issued by DHS (through USCIS). Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) was the measures main sponsor.
2007-2008: Voted to prevent illegal aliens from voting in union elections.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of a Motion to Recommit H.R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act of 2007. The Motion to Recommit would have recommitted H.R. 800 to the Committee on Education and Labor with instructions to report the bill back to the House with an amendment that would require that all employees allowed to vote in union elections be citizens or legal residents of the United States. Although some Representatives voted against the Motion to Recommit because it would have delayed final passage of the bill, a vote in favor of the Motion to Recommit was clearly a vote in favor of interior enforcement and against allowing illegal aliens to vote in union elections. The Motion to Recommit failed by a vote of 202-225.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to prevent illegal aliens from receiving Social Security payments for illegal work (Rohrabacher).
Rep. Boozman cosponsored H.R. 736, the No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Act of 2007. This bill would have prohibited an illegal aliens work from counting toward qualifying for Social Security; and would have stipulated that this prohibition is not applicable retroactively, so that all benefits already granted would not have been affected. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) was the measures main sponsor.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to prevent illegal aliens from receiving Social Security payments (Carter).
Rep. Boozman cosponsored H.R. 332, which prohibits an illegal alien, for purposes of Social Security benefits, from being credited for income earned while he/she was illegally present in the United States; and would have stipulated that this prohibition was not applicable retroactively, so that all benefits already granted would not have been affected. Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) was the measures main sponsor.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a resolution to discourage Social Security for illegal aliens (Goode).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H.Res. 18 to express the Houses disapproval of the U.S.-Mexico Social Security totalization agreement, which, if allowed to go into effect, would allow certain illegal aliens from Mexico to collect Social Security benefits. Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
Strengthen Border Security
24.5 out of 24.5 Total Points
2008: Signed Discharge Petition to move H.R. 4088, a bill to mandate the use of the E-Verify employment verification system, to the House floor.
Rep. Boozman signed the Discharge Petition on H.R. 4088, the SAVE Act, to require use of the electronic employment eligibility verification system, E-Verify. If the petition collects 218 signatures, a simple majority, the bill can bypass the committee process and be placed on the House floor for a vote.
2007-2008: Cosponsoring the SAVE Act to strengthen border control by increasing the number of Border Patrol agents (Shuler).
Rep. Boozman is cosponsoring H.R. 4088, the Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement Act of 2007. The SAVE Act would increase border security by: increasing the number of border patrol agents; providing more funding for the Tunnel Task Force; providing for new and updated border security, surveillance, communication, and apprehension technology; improving border security infrastructure; and empowering governors in border states to declare a border emergency and request temporary redeployment of up to 1,000 additional Border Patrol Agents. Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) is the main sponsor of this bill.
2007-2008: Cosponsored resolution calling on President to enforce border control laws (Smith).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H. Res. 499, which calls on the Bush Administration to implement mandated border controls, such as the implementation of entry and exit portions of US-VISIT, and completion of the fencing called for in the Secure Fence Act along the U.S.-Mexico border. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) is the main sponsor of this resolution.
2007-2008: Voted in favor of an amendment to increasing funding for the construction of a border fence.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of the Brown-Waite amendment to HR 2638. This amendment re-directs $89 million set to be appropriated to the Undersecretary for Managements account to the Border Security Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technology Account, with a view towards constructing at least 700 miles of fencing along the southern border. The amendment was adopted 241-179.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to put troops on the border to aid border patrol agents (Goode).
Rep. Boozman cosponsored H.R. 939, which would have authorized the Department of Homeland Security to request that the Defense Department assign regular or reserve components of the military to assist Customs and Border Protection and ICE agents in certain border protection functions, including preventing the entry of illegal aliens into the country. It also would have required that a training program be established to ensure that members of the military receive general instruction regarding law enforcement in border areas, and would have required a civilian law enforcement officer to accompany a member of the military at all times. Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) was the measures main sponsor.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a resolution to protect U.S. sovereignty and to dissuade Congress against participating in the construction of a superhighway (Goode).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H.Con.Res. 40, expressing the United States should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA Superhighway System and should not allow the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) to implement additional regulations to create a North American Union with Canada and Mexico. A so-called NAFTA Superhighway could have the effect of virtually eliminating U.S. borders, thus cosponsoring H.Con.Res. 40 is a step to protect U.S. sovereignty and border security. Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.) was the main sponsor of this resolution.
Strengthen Interior Enforcement
55 out of 58 Total Points
2008: Voted for a bill that continues employment verification.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of H.R. 6633, a bill to reauthorize the E-Verify program for a period of 5 years. The E-Verify program allows businesses to determine the legal status of new hires and prevents illegal aliens from being hired, thus making the program an important tool in the Attrition through Enforcement anti-illegal immigration strategy. The bill passed by a vote of 407-2.
2008: Voted in favor of punishing sanctuary cities.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of a motion to H.R. 5719, the Taxpayer Assistance and Simplification Act. This motion would have recommitted H.R. 5719 with instructions to add language to deny tax exempt interest with respect to bonds of sanctuary states and cities, thereby putting pressure on cities that do not enforce immigration laws and cities who do not cooperate with federal authorities on immigration matters. This motion failed by a vote of 210-210.
2008: Signed Discharge Petition to move H.R. 4088, a bill to mandate the use of the E-Verify employment verification system, to the House floor.
Rep. Boozman signed the Discharge Petition on H.R. 4088, the SAVE Act, to require use of the electronic employment eligibility verification system, E-Verify. If the petition collects 218 signatures, a simple majority, the bill can bypass the committee process and be placed on the House floor for a vote.
2007-2008: Cosponsoring the SAVE Act to strengthen border control by increasing the number of Border Patrol agents (Shuler).
Rep. Boozman is cosponsoring H.R. 4088, the Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement Act of 2007. The SAVE Act would increase border security by: increasing the number of border patrol agents; providing more funding for the Tunnel Task Force; providing for new and updated border security, surveillance, communication, and apprehension technology; improving border security infrastructure; and empowering governors in border states to declare a border emergency and request temporary redeployment of up to 1,000 additional Border Patrol Agents. Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) is the main sponsor of this bill.
2007-2008: Cosponsored the CLEAR Act, which reduces illegal immigration with interior enforcement (Blackburn).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of the Charlie Norwood CLEAR Act of 2007 to clarify state and local law enforcements ability to enforce immigration laws. If enacted, H.R. 3494 would reduce the flow of new illegal aliens into the United States and also begin to slowly and steadily reducing the current illegal population. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) is the main sponsor of the bill.
2007-2008: Cosponsored resolution calling on President to enforce interior enforcement laws (Smith).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H. Res. 499, a resolution calling on the Bush Administration to implement mandated immigration controls such as the implementation of the entry and exit portions of US-VISIT, the enforcement of existing provisions requiring the sanctioning of employers who do not comply with unlawful employment laws, and increasing the use of expedited removal procedures for all illegal aliens eligible for such removal under Federal law. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) is the main sponsor of this resolution.
2007-2008: Voted on House floor for amendment to fully fund the training of immigration enforcement officers.
Rep. Boozman voted in favor of the Drake Amendment to H.R. 2638, the appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security. The Drake Amendment would fully fund the presidents budget request ($26.4 million) for the training and support for the voluntary participation of local law enforcement officers in immigration law enforcement. This amendment passed 286-127.
2007: Voted for 2nd Tancredo Amendment to H.R. 2638, thereby voting to hold cities with sanctuary policies accountable. Rep. Boozman voted in favor of the amendment to H.R. 2638. The amendment prohibits funds pursuant to this bill from being distributed to states and localities that have sanctuary policies in place that prohibit or inhibit communications between Federal and state/local authorities. The amendment passed 234-189 on June 15
2007-2008: Voted against an amendment to reduce funding for the visa waiver program.
Rep. Boozman voted against the first Tancredo amendment to H.R. 2638, which would prohibit funding from H.R. 2638 from being used to fund the visa waiver program. This amendment failed 76-347.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill that funds the training of an interior enforcement program (Davis).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H.R. 2086 to fund the 287(g) program, a means by which state and local law enforcement agencies may enter into agreements with DHS so that officers may receive training from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to perform immigration enforcement functions. Rep. David Davis (R-Tenn.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to protect American jobs by creating a system to check expired work visas (Gallegly).
Rep. Boozman cosponsored H.R. 850, the IRS Illegal Immigrant Information Act of 2007. This bill would have required DHS to furnish the IRS annually with a list of people with expired work visas of that year. The IRS, after checking against their tax records, must notify both the DHS and the employer, and the employer must terminate matching employees within 30 days (a system for employees to contest the DHS action would have been implemented). Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) was the main sponsor of this bill.
2007-2008: Cosponsored a bill to strengthen interior enforcement with mandatory workplace verification (Dreier).
Rep. Boozman is a cosponsor of H.R. 98 to mandate an electronic employment eligibility verification system that would ensure that only those with a legal right to work in the U.S. are hired. As well, it creates tamper-proof Social Security cards. Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.) was the main sponsor of this bill.